Low carbon infrastructure and business growth

Project: Other projectOther internal award

Project Details


In this policy brief, we provide a sectoral analysis of the Economy in North Yorkshire. Using hierarchical cluster analysis, we consider both economic and environmental factors to determine how the different sectors could be aligned towards the NYCC’s strategy of becoming carbon neutral by 2034 and carbon negative by 2040. It is expected that this analysis can provide a useful input for policy makers when setting targets and defining priority sectors for addressing the climate change challenge.

Layman's description

Videos: https://youtu.be/76nSQ8dA_20 and

Key findings

This analysis highlights otherwise hidden similarities between sectors, that could be leveraged from a policy perspective. The North Yorkshire County Council could consider the clusters of sectors to adapt their strategies in the long term, considering the political, environmental, social, technological, legal and ethical challenges affecting the UK. First, to evaluate whether the low emitters of CO2 and that bring low value added to the Economy could look for new ways of operating which would be valuable and important. Second, to propose how to better manage the high emitters of CO2 which also bring high value added to the Economy, however, it would be good to ask whether focusing on financial value is too short-sighted? Third, to assess whether low emitters of CO2 and that bring high value added to the Economy should be further encouraged and promoted. Future research avenues could look at generating future policies based on scenarios modelled considering the cluster analysis presented here. Furthermore, it would be good to tackle how can industries within clusters, which are apparently very different, align towards a common strategy to reduce carbon emissions?
Effective start/end date8/02/2131/03/21