Operational Quantum Physics

  • Busch, Paul (Principal investigator)
  • Lahti, Pekka (Principal investigator)

Project: Other projectResearch collaboration

Project Details


International research collaboration with colleagues at the Turku Centre for Quantum Physics on problems in the mathematical and conceptual foundations of quantum theory

Layman's description

We aim to develop an understanding of the possibilities and limitations of observation and measurement according to the basic laws of quantum theory. This involves mathematical and conceptual investigations into what is known as the quantum theory of measurement.

Key findings

In recent years we have introduced new ways of quantifying approximation errors in quantum measurements and used these to discover novel forms of measurement uncertainty relation. This not only corroborates ideas of one of the founders of quantum mechanics, Werner Heisenberg, but also enables a precise delineation of the fundamental limits of high precision measurements (metrology) and opens up new ways of exploiting quantum uncertainty and unsharpness in applications such as cryptography.
Effective start/end date1/08/0531/08/16


  • QC Physics
  • quantum theory
  • quantum measurement