Pilot Collaborative Ethnography with Bioscientists Engaged in Modelling Ageing

Project: Research project (funded)Internal pump-priming

Project Details


This project aims to test and develop methods for researching how bioscientists make and use different kinds of models, animal, human and computational, in their research on different aspects of ageing.

The work is being undertaken with Carrie Friese, at LSE. Friese is conducting research on the role of animal care in biomedical research, funded by new Investigator Award at the Wellcome Trust. Friese is collaborating with me on research regarding animal models, biogerontology and how ageing is being re-examined across science and society.

Layman's description

This project explores how molecular biologists are research ageing using animals and other kinds of experimental models.
Short titleEthnography of the Biology of Ageing
Effective start/end date31/05/161/06/17


  • H Social Sciences (General)
  • Science and Technology Studies
  • Ageing