RPF 14/15 A high-throughput screen for bacterial growth and growth inhibition

Project: Other projectOther internal award

Project Details


This award was a contribution towards a shaking plate readers for rapid assay of bacterial growth. Combined with money from another award from EPSRC we were able to purchase a BMG Fluoromax machine with anaerobic growth facilities, that will be particularly useful for our work on anaerobic Clostridia bacteria with Green Biologics.

Key findings

The plate reader is being used by a variety of end users outside of the Thomas lab including students and postdocs from Chemistry using the setup to measure growth of bacteria in response to antibiotics. Preliminary data demonstrating anaerobic growth of Clostridium sp. on xylan was used as part of the BBSRC IB Catalyst proposal that was funded to Gavin Thomas (Project DeTox). This large award has also now enabled us to purchase from this grant another machine to expand the use of the RPF-primed machine for additional users, giving additional added value to this award. Data from the machine will be used in a number of publications from the Gavin Thomas lab to be published in 2017 and onwards.
Effective start/end date1/08/1431/07/15
