RPF 2017/18: Psycholinguistic methods in the language classroom: a pilot study

Project: Research project (funded)Internal pump-priming

Project Details

Layman's description

Given the new emphasis on grammar learning in schools, the present study pilots a novel approach to grammar activities, and simultaneously tests psycholinguistic learning theories. The study brings together cutting-edge psycholinguistic laboratory findings about grammar-based prediction during real-time language processing with recent classroom research findings about processing in instructional activities. We will conduct the study in German classes at York, using specially designed tablet-based materials. Language gain will be measured through eye-tracking and traditional language tests. The findings will provide quantitative data essential to underpin an RCUK bid for a large-scale study to formally trial the method in secondary and primary schools.
Short titlePsycholinguistics in the language classroom
Effective start/end date1/08/1731/07/18