Santander International Connections Award

Project: Other projectMiscellaneous project

Project Details


Dr Sara Munday visited Shanghai, East China Normal University and Jiaotong University, September 2015, supported by a Santander International Connections Award, and local expenses kindly covered by the mathematics department at ECNU. Dr Munday gave a mini-course suitable for graduate (master and PhD) students, shared some open problems on the topic of strictly increasing singular functions and topological conjugacy mappings, left students with some genuine problems to think about, and heard about their research topics.
Dr Munday gave a colloquium-style talk on 'Open dynamical systems', an overview of the subject and the possible connections to infinite ergodic theory to a general audience, and a research talk in the ECNU department seminar series covering recent joint work with Dr Georgie Knight (currently in Bristol, previously in Jerusalem). Dr Munday was able to spend time with Dr Miao Jun Jie (ECNU) and Professor Xiao Dongmei at Jiatong University (whose research is in the same area but somewhat more applied). Professor Dongmei is an expert in 'classical' dynamical systems topics but is has interests in areas of mathematical biology. Professor Dongmei attended the recent International Congress of Women Mathematicians in Seoul and Dr Munday is on the standing committee of European Women in Mathematics, so they were able to discuss 'women in mathematics' too. Dr Munday conducted an interview with Professor Dongmei which will be published in the next EWM newsletter.
Effective start/end date9/09/1525/09/15