A Bi-RADIAL Approach to Ambisonics

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This paper introduces Binaural Rendering of Audio by Duplex Independent Auralized Listening (Bi-RADIAL), a new scheme for the reproduction of 3D sound over headphones. Principles, considerations, and methods of Bi-RADIAL decoding and their application within the binaural rendering of Virtual Ambisonics is discussed. Three methods of delivering Bi-RADIAL Ambisonics are compared and the advantages of exploiting a Bi-RADIAL scheme over traditional binaural-based Ambisonic playback are highlighted. Simulation results for standard and Bi-RADIAL Ambisonic decoders are given using a perceptual based comparison of their frequency spectra. Analysis is made for 1st, 3rd, and 5th order decoders considering both basic and maxrE weighting schemes. Results show a clear improvement in spectral reconstruction when using a Bi-RADIAL decoder
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 11 Aug 2018
Event2018 AES International Conference on Audio for Virtual and Augmented Reality - DigiPen Institute of Technology, Redmond, United States
Duration: 20 Aug 201822 Aug 2018


Conference2018 AES International Conference on Audio for Virtual and Augmented Reality
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address


  • audio
  • Ambison
  • Binaural
  • VR

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