A Novel Two-Hand-Inspired Hybrid Robotic End-Effector Fabricated Using 3D Printing

Benjamin Marsh, Pengcheng Liu

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


The field of soft robotics aims to improve on limitations of traditional rigid robots by using naturally compliant materials. This work designed a novel robotic end-effector, inspired by two-handed human grasping and fabricated using 3D printing, that is capable of lifting target objects without exerting large forces. The end-effector is a hybrid of rigid and soft materials, and aims to be simple, low-cost, and fabricated using a reliable process. Grasp tests were performed on a wide range of target objects and the success of the design is evaluated in terms of grasping capability and fabrication process. Results show the capability of the novel design to lift a range of target objects, and highlight improved grasping performance over other types of gripper. Material costs and fabrication/assembly time of the 3D printed components are also presented.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 14 Jul 2022

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