A summary round-up list of Scottish archaeological human remains that have been sampled/analysed for DNA as of January 2019

Alison Sheridan, Ian Armit, David Reich, Thomas Booth, R Bernados, Ian Barnes, Mark G. Thomas, Sophy Jessica Laura Charlton, Oliver Edward Craig, J Lawson, K Dulias, C Edwards, C Pala, M Richards, A Margaryan, K Kristiansen, E Willerslev, M Allentoft, K Britton, G NobleI Flink, S Talamo, N Curtis, A Cooper, S Cole, Lisa Brown

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)227-250
JournalDiscovery and Excavation in Scotland
Publication statusPublished - 2019

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