An Algebraic QFT Approach to the Wetterich Equation on Lorentzian Manifolds

Edoardo D'Angelo, Nicolo Drago, Nicola Pinamonti, Kasia Rejzner

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We discuss the scaling of the effective action for the interacting scalar quantum field theory on generic spacetimes with Lorentzian signature and in a generic state (including vacuum and thermal states, if they exist). This is done constructing a flow equation, which is very close to the renown Wetterich equation, by means of techniques recently developed in the realm of perturbative Algebraic Quantum Field theory (pAQFT). The key ingredient that allows one to obtain an equation which is meaningful on generic Lorentzian backgrounds is the use of a local regulator, which keeps the theory covariant. As a proof of concept, the developed methods are used to show that non-trivial fixed points arise in quantum field theories in a thermal state and in the case of quantum fields in the Bunch–Davies state on the de Sitter spacetime.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2295–2352
Number of pages58
JournalAnnales Henri Poincare
Early online date24 Jul 2023
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2024

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