An Algorithmic Approach to the Manipulation of B-Format Impulse Responses for Sound Source Rotation

Michael Lovedee-Turner, Jude Brereton, Damian Murphy

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


In many video games, sound sources and the player are constantly moving through the environment, establishing the requirement for dynamic reproduction of the acoustic conditions in an enclosed or semi-enclosed space. This paper presents an algorithm for the rotational movement of a sound source for a constant position in space. The method developed alters the amplitude of individual discrete reflections based on their point of origin and the directivity
pattern of the source. Initial analysis of a B-Format impulse response of an enclosed or semi-enclosed space is required in order to locate individual reflections, their arrival directions and their point of origin. Intensity vector
analysis is used to calculate the direction of arrival, circular variance and local maxima to locate individual discrete reflections, and ray tracing to retrace the detected reflections. The room acoustic parameters of the manipulated
impulse responses have been objectively measured and compared against reference impulse responses. Initial testing of the manipulated impulse responses shows that the algorithm shows promise, but requires improvement, namely smaller intervals for the source directivity measurements and investigation into processing of the diffuse field.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAudio Engineering Society 61st International Conference
Subtitle of host publication Audio for Games
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2016
EventAudio Engineering Society 61st International Conference: Audio for Games - London, United Kingdom
Duration: 10 Feb 201612 Feb 2016


ConferenceAudio Engineering Society 61st International Conference
Abbreviated titleAES 61st Int. Conf., Audio for Games,
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


  • audio
  • acoustics
  • room acoustics
  • game audio

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