An Exploratory Comparison of the Interactions Between Advisers and Younger and Older Clients during Work Focused Interviews

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


This report presents findings from an exploratory comparison of interactions between personal advisers and older and younger clients during Work Focused Interviews (WFIs). The study used the method of Conversation Analysis to explore a set of video and audio recordings of WFIs taking place in Jobcentre Plus offices. The study compared the structure and content of WFIs conducted with older clients (aged 50 and above) and younger clients, for a range of WFI types. It also considered the ways in which clients and advisers raise and address age-related barriers to work during WFIs. The research was carried out by the Social Policy Research Unit and the Centre for Advanced Studies in Language & Communication at the University of York.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationNorwich
Number of pages130
VolumeNo. 634
ISBN (Print)978 1 84712 711 2
Publication statusPublished - 2010

Publication series

NameDepartment for Work and Pensions Research Report


  • employment/benefits
  • research methodologies

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