Assessment of risk of insect-resistant transgenic crops to nontarget arthropods

Joerg Romeis, Detlef Bartsch, Franz Bigler, Marco P. Candolfi, Marco M. C. Gielkens, Sue E. Hartley, Richard L. Hellmich, Joseph E. Huesing, Paul C. Jepson, Raymond Layton, Hector Quemada, Alan Raybould, Robyn I. Rose, Joachim Schiemann, Mark K. Sears, Anthony M. Shelton, Jeremy Sweet, Zigfridas Vaituzis, Jeffrey D. Wolt

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


An international initiative is developing a scientifically rigorous approach to evaluate the potential risks to nontarget arthropods (NTAs) posed by insect-resistant, genetically modified (IRGM) crops. It adapts the tiered approach to risk assessment that is used internationally within regulatory toxicology and environmental sciences. The approach focuses on the formulation and testing of clearly stated risk hypotheses, making maximum use of available data and using formal decision guidelines to progress between testing stages (or tiers). It is intended to provide guidance to regulatory agencies that are currently developing their own NTA risk assessment guidelines for IRGM crops and to help harmonize regulatory requirements between different countries and different regions of the world.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)203-208
Number of pages6
JournalNature Biotechnology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2008

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