Assessment of the 2008-2010 National Reform Programmes for Growth and Jobs from a Social Inclusion Perspective: The extent of synergies between growth and jobs policies and social inclusion policies

F Bennett, J Bradshaw

Research output: Book/ReportBook


This report focuses on the NRP as a document prepared as a summary of policies for the European Commission, and comments on it from a social inclusion perspective.
* The NRP was written before the global financial debacle and the signs of an economic recession in the UK the nature and depth of which are difficult to predict. We anticipate the Implementation Report will take the current situation more fully into account.
* Over the past year, sustainability of jobs and local labour markets were emerging issues, other political priorities blunted the government's attack on child poverty, and the debate
over the 10p tax rate was seen as undermining belief in the government's sense of fairness. The devolved administrations continued to develop more progressive policies.
* The NRP is a report, not a developing strategy, it lists a range of economic reform and employment measures, rather than being a process which links these with other policies.
Further summary points are available in the report..
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLuxembourg
PublisherEuropean Commission DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 2008


  • social exclusion, income, poverty

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