Ben Davies, Christina Lupton, and Johanne Gormsen Schmidt, Reading Novels During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Oxford University Press, 2022

Research output: Other contribution


This review shows how in Reading Novels During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Ben Davies, Christina Lupton, and Johanne Gormsen Schmidt offer a pioneering exploration of the pandemic’s influence on readers of fiction in Britain and Denmark. Employing a productive mix of literary sociology, ethnographic research, and textual analysis methods, the authors reveal how literature became a source of comfort and interest amid European lockdowns. Their work extends beyond conventional literary studies, addressing methodological conflicts and examining the socio-economic disparities between the two nations. Despite its manifold merits, the book could do with a more inclusive canon and a sustained discussion of racialized experiences. Nevertheless, it provides a highly valuable contribution to literary sociology and ethnography, giving a platform to a range of perspectives on pandemic-era reading habits.
Original languageEnglish
TypeBook review
Media of outputOnline journal
Publication statusPublished - 8 Aug 2024


  • Covid-19 pandemic, reading habits, Europe, literary sociology, ethnography, close reading & listening

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