C-C hydrolases for biocatalysis

E. Siirola, W. Kroutil, A. Frank, G. Grogan

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Although C-C bond hydrolases are distributed widely in Nature, they has as yet have received only limited attention in the area of biocatalysis compared to their counterpart the C-heteroatom hydrolases, such as lipases and proteases. However, the substrate range of C-C hydrolases, and their non-dependence on cofactors, suggest that these enzymes may have considerable potential for applications in synthesis. In addition, hydrolases such as the β-diketone hydrolase from Rhodococcus (OCH) are known, that catalyse the formation of interesting chiral intermediates. Further enzymes, such as kynureninase and a meta-cleavage product hydrolase (MhpC), are able to catalyse carbon-carbon bond formation, suggesting wider applications in biocatalysis than previously envisaged. In this review, the distribution, catalytic characteristics and applications of C-C hydrolases are described, with a view to assessing their potentialfor use in biocatalytic processes in the future.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1677-1691
JournalAdvanced Synthesis and Catalysis
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 17 Jun 2013

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