Chapter 9: ITER contributions for Demo plasma development

V. Mukhovatov, M. Shimada, Y. Shimomura, K. Lackner, H. Zohm, D.J. Campbell, A. Loarte, N.A. Uckan, J.C. Wesley, R.D. Stambaugh, T.C. Hender, B. Lipschultz, R.J. Goldston, M. Fujiwara, M. Nagami, V.D. Pustovitov

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The chapter summarizes the physics issues of the demonstration toroidal fusion power plant (Demo) that can be addressed by ITER operation. These include burning plasma specific issues, i.e. energetic particle behaviour and plasma self-heating effects, and a broader class of power-plant scale physics issues that cannot be fully resolved in present experiments. A critical issue for Demo is whether MHD and energetic particle modes driven by fast particles will become unstable and affect plasma performance. Self-heating effects are expected to be especially important for control of steady-state plasmas with internal transport barriers (ITBs) and high bootstrap current fractions. Experimental data from ITER will improve strongly the physics basis of projections to Demo of major plasma parameters such as the energy confinement time, beta and density limits, edge pedestal temperature and density, and thermal loads on in-vessel components caused by ELMs and disruptions. ITER will also serve as a test bed for fusion technology studies, such as power plant plasma diagnostics, heating and current drive systems, plasma facing components, divertor and blanket modules. Finally, ITER is expected to provide benefits for the understanding of burning plasma behaviour in other magnetic confinement schemes.
Original languageEnglish
JournalNuclear Fusion
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2007

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