College men's depression-related help-seeking: a gender analysis

May O T Tang, John L Oliffe, Paul M Galdas, Alison Phinney, Christina S Han

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Abstract Background: Men's health help-seeking behaviours vary considerably depending on the context. The current empirical literature on the influence of masculinity on college men's attitudes towards mental health-related help-seeking is largely limited to investigations involving psychology students. Aim: To describe the connections between masculinities and college men's depression-related help-seeking. Methods: Qualitative interviews with 21 college men who were diagnosed or self-identified as depressed. Constant comparison was used to inductively derive gendered understandings about participants' depression-related help-seeking. Results: Three themes were identified: (1) denying weakness; (2) limiting self-disclosure and mustering autonomy; and (3) redefining strength. Conclusion: The findings demonstrate connections between masculinities and help-seeking that can assist health care providers to understand the practices of college men who experience depression.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to) 219-224
JournalJournal of mental health
Issue number5
Early online date30 Apr 2014
Publication statusPublished - 2014

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