Comparing Real-Time Communication Under Electromagnetic Interference

Ian Broster, Alan Burns, Guillermo Rodríguez-Navas

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The contribution of this paper is threefold. First, an improvement to a previously published paper on the timing analysis of Controller Area Network (CAN) in the presence of transient network faults is presented. A probabilistic fault model is considered, where random faults from electromagnetic interference occur according to a Poisson distribution. The analysis provides worst case response times for message frames, not as a single value, but as a probability distribution. Secondly, a similar result is produced for time-triggered CAN (TTCAN), a version of CAN based on time-driven schedule. Thirdly, these analyses are applied to an example message set and used to discuss the dependability of event-triggered and time-triggered communication in the presence of electromagnetic interference. The results indicate that, an event-triggered bus can generally provide a higher probability of timely-delivery of data than a time-triggered bus.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Publication statusPublished - 2004

Bibliographical note

Catania, Italy
June 30-July 02
ISBN: 0-7695-2176-2

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