Comparison of different stomatal conductance algorithms for ozone flux modelling

P. Büker, L. D. Emberson, M. R. Ashmore, H. M. Cambridge, C. M J Jacobs, W. J. Massman, J. Müller, N. Nikolov, K. Novak, E. Oksanen, M. Schaub, D. de la Torre, Patrick Bueker

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A multiplicative and a semi-mechanistic, BWB-type [Ball, J.T., Woodrow, I.E., Berry, J.A., 1987. A model predicting stomatal conductance and its contribution to the control of photosynthesis under different environmental conditions. In: Biggens, J. (Ed.), Progress in Photosynthesis Research, vol. IV. Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht, pp. 221-224.] algorithm for calculating stomatal conductance (gs) at the leaf level have been parameterised for two crop and two tree species to test their use in regional scale ozone deposition modelling. The algorithms were tested against measured, site-specific data for durum wheat, grapevine, beech and birch of different European provenances. A direct comparison of both algorithms showed a similar performance in predicting hourly means and daily time-courses of gs, whereas the multiplicative algorithm outperformed the BWB-type algorithm in modelling seasonal time-courses due to the inclusion of a phenology function. The re-parameterisation of the algorithms for local conditions in order to validate ozone deposition modelling on a European scale reveals the higher input requirements of the BWB-type algorithm as compared to the multiplicative algorithm because of the need of the former to model net photosynthesis (An). © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)726-735
Number of pages10
JournalEnvironmental Pollution
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2007


  • Modelling
  • Parameterisation
  • Photosynthesis
  • Stomatal conductance
  • OZONE 1076
  • 9236

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