Complete genome sequence of Burkholderia phymatum STM815T, a broad host range and efficient nitrogen-fixing symbiont of Mimosa species

Lionel Moulin, Agnieszka Klonowska, Caroline Bournaud, Kristina Booth, Jan Vriezen, Rémy Melkonian, Euan K. James, J Young, Gilles Bena, Loren Hauser, Miriam Land, Nikos Kyrpides, David Bruce, Patrick Chain, Alex Copeland, Sam Pitluck, Tanja Woyke, Michelle Lizotte-Waniewski, Jim Bristow, Margaret Riley

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Burkholderia phymatum is a soil bacterium able to develop a nitrogen-fixing symbiosis with species of the legume genus Mimosa, and is frequently found associated specifically with Mimosa pudica. The type strain of the species, STM 815T, was isolated from a root nodule in French Guiana in 2000. It is an aerobic, motile, non-spore forming, Gram-negative rod. It is a highly competitive strain for nodulation compared to others Mimosa symbionts, and it also nodulate a broad range of several other legume genera and species. The 8,676,562 bp genome is composed of two chromosomes (3,479,187 and 2,697,374 bp), a megaplasmid (1,904,893 bp) and a plasmid hosting the symbiotic functions (595,108 bp).
Original languageEnglish
Article number3
JournalStandards in Genomic Sciences
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • Burkholderia, Mimosa, Symbiosis, Legume

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