Continuity of care: Findings of a conceptual review and synthesis of the NIHR SDO programme of research

G Parker, A Corden, J Heaton

Research output: Other contribution


Issues around continuity of care run through health and social policy. A programme of research studies, begun in 2001, explored what continuity of care actually means:
* what service users and carers want in the way of continuity of care
* what influences their experience
* any outcomes produced.

A report in 2007 reviewed interim outputs from the programme, when some of the research studies were still running. Our study builds on, extends and completes that review.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherSocial Policy Research Unit, University of York
Number of pages4
Place of PublicationUniversity of York, York
Publication statusPublished - 2010

Publication series

NameResearch Works


  • ill/disabled adults
  • health services issues
  • multiagency working
  • social care services issues

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