Corona-regionalism? Differences in regional responses to COVID-19 in Italy

Iris Bosa, Adriana Castelli, Michele Castelli, Oriani Ciani, Amelia Compagni, Matteo M. Galizzi, Matteo Garofano, Simone Ghislandi, Margherita Giannoni, Giorgia Marini, Milena Vainieri

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The paper discusses the responses to the COVID-19 crisis in the acute phase of the first wave of the pandemic (February-May 2020) by different Italian regions in Italy, which has a decentralised healthcare system. We consider five regions (Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, Umbria, Apulia) which are located in the north, centre and south of Italy. These five regions differ both in their healthcare systems and in the extent to which they were hit by the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic. We investigate their different responses to COVID-19 reflecting on seven management factors: (1) monitoring, (2) learning, (3) decision-making, (4) coordinating, (5) communicating, (6) leading, and (7) recovering capacity. In light of these factors, we discuss the analogies and differences among the regions and their different institutional choices.
Original languageEnglish
JournalHealth Policy
Issue number9
Early online date3 Sept 2021
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 3 Sept 2021


  • Health policy
  • health management
  • COVID-19
  • Italy
  • regional responses

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