Correction to: Quantifying and understanding carbon storage and sequestration within the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania, a tropical biodiversity hotspot

Simon Willcock, Oliver L. Phillips, Philip J Platts, Andrew Balmford, Neil D. Burgess, Jon C. Lovett, Antje Ahrends, Julian Bayliss, Nike Doggart, Kathryn Doody, Eibleis Fanning, Jonathan M H Green, Jaclyn Hall, Kim L Howell, Rob Marchant, Andrew R Marshall, Boniface Mbilinyi, Pantaleon K T Munishi, Nisha Owen, Ruth D. SwetnamElmer J Topp-Jorgensen, Simon L. Lewis

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


Upon publication of the original article [1], the authors noticed that the figure labelling for Fig. 4 in the online version was processed wrong. The top left panel should be panel a, with the panels to its right being b and c. d and e should be the panels on the lower row, and f is correct. The graphs themselves are all correct. It is simply the letter labels that are wrong.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)20
JournalCarbon Balance and Management
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 7 Dec 2017


  • Published Erratum

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