Crisis Skylight: Journeys to Progression : Second Interim Report of the University of York Evaluation

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


Crisis Skylight is a service for single homeless people that focuses on promoting health and well-being, housing stability, social support and employment. One-to-one support in Skylight focuses on a process of progression, designed to positively transform the social and economic position of single homeless people. Skylight also offers arts-based activities, basic skills education, training, volunteering, support with health and well-being, support in seeking work and assistance in finding and sustaining housing. This report is the second interim report of a three-year, mixed-method, evaluation of the Skylight programme by the University of York. The evaluation covers three building-based Skylight services in London, Newcastle and Oxford and three outreach-based services in Birmingham, Edinburgh and Merseyside. This report focuses entirely on the initial results from large-scale qualitative cohort study which is one part of the mixed-method Crisis Skylight programme evaluation. The cohort study looks at the ways in which Skylight could bring positive changes in single homeless people’s lives, also exploring the barriers that some single homeless people could face in progression. towards social integration. A total of 158 Skylight members had participated in interviews during 2013,2014 and Spring 2015. A fourth and final round of interviews is scheduled for the Autumn of 2015.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLondon
Commissioning bodyCrisis UK
Number of pages40
ISBN (Print)978-1-78519-020-9
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jan 2016


  • Homelessness
  • Employment

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