Cycling the hot CNO: A teaching methodology

J. W. Frost-Schenk, C. Aa Diget, M. A. Bentley, A. Tuff

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An interactive activity to teach the hot Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen (HCNO) cycle is proposed. Justification for why the HCNO cycle is important is included via an example of x-ray bursts. The activity allows teaching and demonstration of half-life, nuclear isotopes, nuclear reactions, protons and α-particles, and catalytic processes. Whilst the process example is specific to astrophysics it may be used to teach more broadly about catalytic processes. This practical is designed for use with 10-20 participants, with the intention that the exercise will convey nuclear physics principles in a fun and interactive manner.

Original languageEnglish
Article number024001
JournalPhysics Education
Issue number2
Early online date22 Dec 2017
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2018

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