Developing optimal abatement strategies for the effects of sulphur and nitrogen deposition at European scale

C A Gough, M J Chadwick, B Biewald, J C I Kuylenstierna, P D Bailey, S Cinderby

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Integrated Assessment Models were successfully used to provide input to the negotiations for the Oslo Protocol on Further Reductions of Sulphur Emissions, finalized within the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution in Oslo in June 1994. The techniques developed within this framework will be extended now to the simultaneous analysis of sulphur and nitrogen deposition. In addition to acidification, atmospheric deposition of nitrogen contributes to eutrophication of certain ecosystems, through a nutrient effect, and originates from the long-range transport of emissions of both oxidised and reduced nitrogen (NOx and NH3) Modelling reductions in nitrogen deposition thus introduces a need to establish multi-pollutant multi-effect modelling techniques. This paper investigates the development of a model set up to examine reductions of these pollutants in an economically and environmentally efficient manner. The control of nitrogen deposition encompasses action across several economic sectors, particularly the power, transport and agricultural sectors. Combining sulphur and nitrogen deposition limits on a European scale will require a flexible modelling approach and the issues governing possible approaches are presented.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2601-2606
Number of pages6
JournalWater, Air, & Soil Pollution
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Dec 1995


  • integrated assessment modelling
  • eutrophication
  • acidification

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