Differential costs for the non-adult ADHD population in Catalonia

Toni Mora*, Jaume Puig-Junoy, Rowena Jacobs, Jordi Cid

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Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is young children’s most common mental health disorder. We aim to provide causal estimates of the differential costs for the non-adult population with ADHD. We used longitudinal administrative data covering the non-adult population over five years and different healthcare providers (general practitioners, hospitalisations and emergency departments, visits to mental healthcare centres—day-care or hospitals) of 1,101,215 individuals in Catalonia (Spain). We also include the consumption of pharmaceuticals and cognitive therapies. We instrumented ADHD diagnosis by the probability of being diagnosed by the most visited healthcare provider based on individual monthly visits to the provider in which this visit was related to ADHD and the density of professionals in the diferent mental health providers. After using matching procedures to include a proper control group, we estimated two-part and finite mixture models. Our results indicate that ADHD children and adolescents displayed 610€ higher annual health direct costs compared to not diagnosed counterparts. We provide average costs disentangling the sample by age boundaries, gender, and comorbidities to offer values for cost-effective analyses and incremental costs after diagnosis, which is around 400€. A significant differential annual direct health cost for the non-adult population with ADHD is determined, which will be helpful for cost-effectiveness analysis and complete cost-of-illness studies.
Original languageEnglish
Article number24
Number of pages12
JournalHealth Economics Review
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 22 Apr 2023

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© The Author(s) 2023

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