Direct magnetic imaging of domain wall manipulation in necked permalloy wire using XPEEM

W. Zhang, P. K J Wong, S. A. Morton, A. Scholl, J. Wu, Y. B. Xu, G. Van Der Laan, H. F. Yang, K. Xia, C. Z. Gu, Z. C. Huang, C. Luo, Y. Zhai

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


The concept of "racetrack" memory has very recently attracted particular attention due to its potential integration of much higher memory densities than conventional random access memories and magnetic hard disk drives [1]. In racetrack memory, the basic elements are the adjacent domain walls (DWs) in ferromagnetic nanowires alternating between head-to-head and tail-to-tail configurations [2]. Different combinations of DW configurations represent different states, realizing the storage of the information. From this perspective, understanding DW pinning in wires and in particular controlling different DW configurations is an important timely issue. In this paper, we present the study using X-ray photoemission electron microscopy (XPEEM) of a simple and well defined single-layer necked Permalloy nanowire, which provides an artificial pinning site for DW. The XPEEM images provide direct evidence of the formation of the head-to-head or tail-to-tail DW by controlling the magnetization process.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings - 2010 8th International Vacuum Electron Sources Conference and Nanocarbon, IVESC 2010 and NANOcarbon 2010
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2010
Event8th International Vacuum Electron Sources Conference, IVESC 2010 and NANOcarbon 2010 - Nanjing, China
Duration: 14 Oct 201016 Oct 2010


Conference8th International Vacuum Electron Sources Conference, IVESC 2010 and NANOcarbon 2010

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