Do child soldiers influence UN Peacekeeping?

Zorzeta Bakaki*, Kaisa Hinkkainen

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The use of child soldiers in conflicts has received increasing academic attention in recent years. This article examines post-conflict periods to see whether the use of child soldiers mobilizes United Nations peacekeeping operations (UN PKO) in the aftermath of a conflict. Taking into consideration how child soldiers affect conflict and how important their reintegration is to sustainable peace and post-conflict development, we analyse whether the presence of child soldiers in a civil war increases the likelihood of the presence of a PKO. We argue that the UN deems a conflict with child soldiers as a difficult case for conflict resolution, necessitating a response from the international community. This is in line with our empirical results confirming that the use of child soldiers significantly increases the likelihood of peacekeeping.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)540-567
Number of pages28
JournalInternational Peacekeeping
Issue number4
Early online date26 Apr 2016
Publication statusPublished - 7 Aug 2016

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