Does the end justify the means?Information systems and control society in the age of pandemics

Aurélie Leclercq-Vandelannoitte*, Jeremy Aroles

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds, governments across the globe are enforcing various Information Systems (IS)-based systems of control that, we contend, augur a new organisation of our freedoms, raising concerns related to issues of surveillance and control. Presented as ways to curb the immediate progression of the pandemic, these systems have progressively appertained our lives, thus becoming the new “normal”. Drawing from the concept of “control societies” developed by Deleuze, we explore how, through a logic of “the end justifies the means”, these new systems are being normalised. Beyond Deleuzian studies that describe modern society as a control society, we contend that Deleuze provides useful insights to critically analyse the progressive “normalization” of new forms of digitally enabled control, as well as the implications of this normalisation process. The analysis of this normalisation process highlights the ways in which the current pandemic and its response (i.e., new forms of technological control) are “sociomaterially constructed” through a historic, discursive, and material process. Contributing to MIS research on privacy and surveillance, this reflection on the sociomaterial construction of the control society and of its digitally enabled control systems during the current COVID-19 crisis paves the way to possible forms of resistance and solutions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)746-761
Number of pages16
JournalEuropean Journal of Information Systems
Issue number6
Early online date13 Oct 2020
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 13 Oct 2020

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© Operational Research Society 2020.


  • Control society
  • COVID-19 crisis
  • Deleuze
  • information Systems
  • information technology-based control
  • normalisation
  • pandemics
  • Pär Ågerfalk, Kieran Conboy and Michael Myers
  • sociomaterial construction
  • surveillance

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