Double-Pushout Graph Transformation Revisited

Annegret Habel, Jürgen Müller, Detlef Plump

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In this paper we investigate and compare four variants of the double-pushout approach to graph transformation. As well as the traditional approach with arbitrary matching and injective right-hand morphisms, we consider three variations by employing injective matching and/or arbitrary right-hand morphisms in rules. We show that injective matching provides additional expressiveness in two respects: for generating graph languages by grammars without non-terminals and for computing graph functions by convergent graph transformation systems. Then we clarify for each of the three variations whether the well-known commutativity, parallelism and concurrency theorems are still valid and – where this is not the case – give modified results. In particular, for the most general approach with injective matching and arbitrary right-hand morphisms, we establish sequential and parallel commutativity by appropriately strengthening sequential and parallel independence.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)637-688
Number of pages51
JournalMathematical Structures in Computer Science
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2001

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