Energy geographies: Examining pedagogical approaches in an emergent field

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Growing concerns about the effects of climate change and the security of oil and hydrocarbon supplies have foregrounded the social and political importance of energy, and what one scholar has termed “global energy dilemmas” (Bradshaw, 2010). In parallel, the social and cultural aspects of energy flows have gained wide attention, as it becomes increasingly clear that conventional energy technologies can only partially respond to the challenging demands of decreasing our carbon emissions. Geographic concerns have played an important role in understanding these challenges, both in terms of the varied and complex spatial distribution of energy activities, and the ways that flows of energy shape the formation of space and place. The emerging field of energy geographies examines a wide range of concepts and empirical contexts, spanning national-scale transitions to more sustainable forms of energy consumption and production to household and individual-level experiences of energy use in daily lives (Pasqualetti and Brown, 2014; Bridge et al, 2013; Zimmerer, 2011).
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)35-43
Number of pages8
JournalYork Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Journal
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2018

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