Evidence on Effectiveness of Behavioural Interventions to Help Parents Manage Sleep Problems in Young Disabled Children: A rapid review

C McDaid, P Sloper

Research output: Book/ReportBook


This rapid review focuses on interventions for behavioural sleep problems in young disabled children (up to age eight years), specifically interventions that can be carried out by parents in the home.

Sleep problems are common among all children but they appear to be more common among disabled children.

Sleep problems have a number of implications for the child and family. For parents, they are associated with high levels of stress and irritability. For the children they are associated with poor concentration and daytime learning, and increased probability of daytime behaviour problems. These findings emphasise the need to take sleep problems seriously. However, only a minority of families who have a child with a severe sleep problem appear to receive any help.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationUniversity of York, York
PublisherSocial Policy Research Unit, University of York
ISBN (Print)978-1-903959-08-4
Publication statusPublished - 2009


  • ill/disabled children
  • family

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