Evidenzbasierte Praxis im Music Branding–Musikalische Markenkommunikation wird erwachsen

Hauke Egermann, Steffen Lepa, Martin Herzog, Jochen Steffens

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


This contribution describes the results of a research and innovation project in which academic and industry partners collaborated in order to systematically address three problems encountered in European music branding practice: 1) a lack of a useful standardised terminology to describe the communication goals intended and achievable through music branding campagins, 2) a lack of a standardised measurement instrument for evaluating successful music branding communication on the consumer side, so that in practice it has often been difficult to directly compare the brand congruence effects that can be achieved with different music titles, for example in pre-tests or evaluation studies; 3) a lack of proper algorithms to automatically index the now very extensive digital music archives concerning the target group-specific suitability of the music pieces they contain to achieve brand congruence effects in order to make a meaningful pre-selection for music branding campaigns. All three problems were addressed within the research project, and the presented article summarises the solutions that were developed by the authors accordingly. We provide an overview of the knowledge gained in this way, as well as a documentation of the tools practically developed to overcome the hurdles for possible future users. Finally, an evaluation of what has been achieved and an outlook on open research questions and future challenges in the field of evidence-based music branding is given.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMusik & Marken
Subtitle of host publicationJahrbuch Musikwirtschafts- und Musikkulturforschung 2021
EditorsHolger Schwetter, Lorenz Grünewald-Schukalla, Michael Ahlers
Publication statusPublished - May 2022

Publication series

NameJahrbuch für Musikwirtschafts- und Musikkulturforschung

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