Experimental evidence of octupole vibrations in the superdeformed well

F Hannachi, A Korichi, A N Wilson, A Lopez-Martens, M Rejmund, C Schuck, C Vieu, G Chmel, A Georgen, H Hubel, D Rossbach, G Schonwasser, P Bergstrom, B M Nyako, J Timar, D Bazzacco, S Lunardi, C Rossi-Alvarez, P Bednarczyk, N KintzS Naguleswaran, A Astier, D M Cullen, J F Sharpey-Schafer, T Lauritsen, R Wadsworth

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


An excited superdeformed (SD) band in Hg-190 has been observed to decay directly to the superdeformed yrast states. On the basis of its unusual properties, it has been proposed to be an octupole vibrational band. In this work we have firmly established the octupole vibrational character by measuring the electromagnetic nature of the transitions linking the excited to the yrast SD states.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)191-194
Number of pages4
JournalActa physica hungarica new series-Heavy ion physics
Issue number2-4
Publication statusPublished - 2000


  • SD band
  • linear polarization
  • octupole vibration
  • HG-190

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