F0 peak alignment in Moroccan Arabic polar questions

Sam Hellmuth, Rana Alhussein Almbark, Basma Chlaihani, Nabila Louriz

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This paper contributes phonetic evidence to ongoing debate regarding the position of Moroccan Arabic in prosodic typology, with the aim of determining how phrase-edge tonal events should be represented in the intonational phonology of the language. A salient phrase-final rise-fall tonal event, found in MA polar questions, is used as a case study. We examined the alignment of the f0 peak of this tonal movement, relative to potential landmarks in prosodic structure, in a set of 112 polar questions extracted from a corpus of read and spontaneous speech collected in Casablanca. A comparison of f0 peak alignment in tokens containing an unstressable final CV syllable vs. a stressable final CVC syllable suggests that the rise-fall tonal event observed in MA polar questions is best understood as a pitch accent marking prominence at the phrasal level.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2015
Event18th International Congresses of Phonetic Sciences - Glasgow, United Kingdom
Duration: 10 Aug 201514 Aug 2015


Conference18th International Congresses of Phonetic Sciences
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • Moroccan Arabic
  • prosody
  • peak alignment
  • phonetics
  • questions

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