From CELSIUS to COSY: On the observation of a dibaryon resonance

H. Clement, M. Bashkanov, T. Skorodko

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Using a high-quality beam of storage rings in combination with a pellet target and a hermetic WASA detector covering practically the full solid angle, two-pion production in nucleon-nucleon collisions has been systematically studied by exclusive and kinematically complete measurements - first at CELSIUS and subsequently at COSY. These measurements resulted in a detailed understanding of the two-pion production mechanism by t-channel meson exchange. The investigation of the ABC effect, which denotes an unusual low-mass enhancement in the ππ-invariant mass spectrum, in double-pionic fusion reactions led the trace to the observation of a narrow dibaryon resonance with about 80 MeV below the nominal mass of the conventional system. New neutron-proton scattering data, taken with a polarized beam at COSY, produced a pole in the coupled partial waves at () MeV, establishing thus the first observation of a genuine s-channel dibaryon resonance.

Original languageEnglish
Article number014016
JournalPhysica Scripta
Issue numberT166
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2015


  • delta-delta system
  • dibaryon
  • two-pion production

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