Fuel retention measurements in Alcator C-Mod using accelerator-based in situ materials surveillance

Zachary S. Hartwig*, Harold S. Barnard, Brandon N. Sorbom, Richard C. Lanza, Bruce Lipschultz, Peter W. Stahle, Dennis G. Whyte

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This paper presents the first. in situ time- and space-resolved measurements of deuterium (D) fuel retention in plasma-facing component (PFC) surfaces using Accelerator-based In-situ Materials Surveillance (AIMS) on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak. AIMS is a novel. in situ materials diagnostic technique based on the spectroscopic analysis of nuclear reaction products induced in PFC surfaces using an ∼MeV beam of deuterons from a compact linear accelerator in between plasma shots. AIMS measurements of. D retention on inner wall PFCs were acquired during diverted and limited plasma operations and during wall conditioning experiments. Intershot measurements demonstrate the local erosion and codeposition of boron films on PFC surfaces with a constant. D/B ratio. This is consistent with previous results suggesting that. D codeposition with boron is insufficient to account for the net retention observed in Alcator C-Mod. Changes in deuterium concentration during boronization, electron cyclotron and glow cleanings were also measured.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)73-77
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Nuclear Materials
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2015

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