Gaussian Process Functional Regression Modelling for Batch Data

J.Q. Shi, B. Wang, R. Murray-Smith, D.M. Titterington

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A Gaussian process functional regression model is proposed for the analysis of batch data. Covariance structure and mean structure are considered simultaneously, with the covariance structure modeled by a Gaussian process regression model and the mean structure modeled by a functional regression model. The model allows the inclusion of covariates in both the covariance structure and the mean structure. It models the nonlinear relationship between a functional output variable and a set of functional and nonfunctional covariates. Several applications and simulation studies are reported and show that the method provides very good results for curve fitting and prediction.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)714-723
Number of pages9
JournalBiometrics (Journal of the International Biometric Society)
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 27 Feb 2007


  • Batch data • B-spline • Functional data analysis • Gaussian process functional regression model • Gaussian process regression model • Multiple-step-ahead forecasting • Nonparametric curve fitting

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