‘GP services are still heteronormative’: Sexual minority cisgender women’s experiences of UK menopause healthcare – health equity implications

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Objective: This article reports on UK sexual minority cisgender women’s experiences of menopause health and healthcare, based on a data subset from a study exploring lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer (LGBTQ+) menopause.

Methods: An online survey was conducted with UK LGBTQ+ individuals who went through/are going through the menopause. Quantitative data were analysed using simple descriptive statistics. Qualitative data were analysed using thematic analysis.

Results: Cisgender respondents comprised 51 lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, queer and ‘other’ women, aged between 17 and 89. They reported similar types and levels of menopause symptoms as heterosexual cisgender women in other studies, apart from higher levels of anxiety and depression, especially bisexual women. Dissatisfaction regarding menopause healthcare services related to access, information, and heteronormative/ heterosexist provision.

Conclusions: Healthcare providers must ensure they provide inclusive menopause services to sexual minority cisgender women.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages7
JournalPost Reproductive Health
Early online date9 Sept 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 9 Sept 2024

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© The Author(s) 2024

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