Green space or nature-focused interventions to support parent wellbeing or parent-infant relationships: A scoping review protocol

Research output: Working paperPreprint


Objective: To identify what green space or nature-focused interventions have been developed to support parent wellbeing and/or parent-infant relationships, how these interventions have been evaluated, and any barriers or facilitators to engaging with them.
Introduction: There is a wealth of evidence that green space interventions and spending time in green spaces is beneficial for the physical, social and mental health of adults, children and young people. However, the evidence for green space interventions is limited in the context of parents, even though many new parents may struggle with their mental and physical health.
Inclusion criteria: Studies researching nature-based interventions for parents of children under 12 years old, focusing on parent wellbeing and/or parent-infant relationships. All settings and geographical locations are eligible, and eligible papers will be written in English.
Methods: Studies will be identified through searching electronic academic databases (Medline, CINAHL, PsycINFO, and Web of Science). Google Scholar will be used to identify grey literature. Title and abstract screening will be conducted, the first 20% will be double screened by two authors to check for consistency and a third reviewer will clarify discrepancies, and the remaining 80% will be single screened. Full text screening will be conducted by 2 independent authors, and any discrepancies reviewed by a third author. Data will be extracted using the TIDier checklist, along with other key fields. The scoping review will be conducted in line with the JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherOpen Science Framework
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2024

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