Herding, settlement, and chronology in the Balkan Neolithic

David Orton*

*Corresponding author for this work

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The Neolithic in the central Balkans saw dramatic changes in settlement forms, architecture, and material culture, with substantial, often long-lived settlements that can reasonably be called villages emerging in the later part of the period. This paper examines the role of herding practices in the development of these large, more-or-less settled communities. Radiocarbon results (including twenty-seven new AMS dates from Gomolava, Opovo, and Petnica) are used to place the available zooarchaeological data into a chronological framework, allowing comparison of inter- and intra-site changes across the region. The data point to the development of large-scale cattle herding in the later Neolithic, the implications of which for mobility and community cohesion are discussed. This trend is seen clearly over time at certain sites but, like the settlement evidence, is neither universal nor synchronous across the region, emphasizing that change occurred, and should be understood, on the level of individual communities.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5-40
Number of pages36
JournalEuropean Journal of Archaeology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2012


  • Balkan Neolithic
  • Cattle herding
  • Mobility
  • Sedentism
  • Settlement histories
  • Vinča culture
  • Zooarchaeology

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