How Systems Engineering and Systems Thinking Enable Innovation

Richard Beasley, Claire Ingram

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


There are many significant challenges facing the world, necessitating innovative and ef-fective systems and products to enable a prosperous and sustainable future. However, successful delivery of innovative systems is very difficult. We argue that appropriate application of Systems Engineering and Systems Thinking plays a critical role in ensuring innovations have the best chance of success. Although many innovation methodologies exist, few incorporate the concepts or vocab-ulary of Systems Thinking in a structured way. This paper attempts to rectify this, by taking some basic innovation concepts and a simple structured approach to thinking about the system and its wider environment, and showing how they can be integrated in order to augment innovation pro-cesses with Systems Thinking concepts. Through applying Systems Engineering principles to the innovation context we identify innovation traps that may arise when failing to think about a system in its wider context, and we provide detailed case studies to illustrate our points.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication30th INCOSE International Symposium
PublisherInternational Council for Systems Engineering
Publication statusPublished - 18 Jul 2020


  • Systems Thinking
  • innovation
  • systems engineering

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