“I could show you all I know”: Elements of co-creativity in a music theatre context.

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)


This chapter forms part of a peer-reviewed book, co-edited with Bill Brooks. It is part of a practice-led research project that included performances and presentations (see relational links.) The introduction (co-written with Bill) will include an overview of the current state of research into co-creative and collaborative practices in music.

Chapter abstract:
'The Writing’s on the Wall' is a short music theatre piece for a vocalising pianist, composed by Damien Harron in 2009-10 and premiered at the International Centre for Interdisciplinary Arts, Bath. The piece was written for, and partly devised with, Catherine Laws and is in part concerned with issues of power and control in the relationship between composer and performer. Additionally, though, the process of developing and refining the material for performance was documented by a range of means, with a view to exploring the nature and extent of the collaboration. This chapter uses this case study to examine the questions that arise from such processes, focusing on distinctions between cooperative, collaborative and co-creative aspects of the process, and between implicitly and explicitly co-creative factors.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProductive Tensions
Subtitle of host publicationCo-creative Practices in Music
EditorsWilliam Brooks, Catherine Laws
PublisherLeuven University Press
Publication statusIn preparation - 2013

Publication series

NameCollected Writings of the Orpheus Research Centre in Music
PublisherLeuven University Press

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