Identifying sustainable pathways out of in-work poverty: Follow-up qualitative interviews report on the ‘Working Life in York’ survey: ESRC Knowledge Exchange Scheme ES/L002086/1

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


As part of the ESRC Knowledge Exchange project “Identifying sustainable pathways out of in-work poverty” a qualitative in-depth follow-up survey to the main quantitative poverty survey was undertaken. This follow-up survey sample was drawn from those employees providing quantitative survey responses that might indicate a worker is at risk of ‘in-work’ poverty, were a Living Wage worker and/or experiencing specific challenges relating to the anti-poverty policy objectives of the project partners. This report describes the situation and attitudes of those who might be at risk of ‘in-work’ poverty or have the more limited resources from the quantitative survey (WLinY). This follow-up survey was conducted as face-to-face semi-structured interviews undertaken by qualitative interviewers from the Centre for Housing Policy, University of York in late 2014 (November & December). Some of these respondents received the Living Wage (or LW supplement) and others not, but all were paid below £10 per hour.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherCommissioned Report for JRF/JRHT, CYC & YSJU
Number of pages41
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2016

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