In-situ synthesis of cobalt nanocrystal hierarchies in a transmission electron microscope

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We report a versatile electron beam
(e-beam) synthesis method for the local fabrication
of ferromagnetic nanocrystals ‘‘on demand’’. A local-
ized irradiation in a transmission electron microscope
(TEM) is used to convert a raw cobalt fluoride material
into ferromagnetic metal by means of formation of a
short-range ordered distribution of well-defined fac-
eted three-dimensional (3D) cobalt nanocrystals on
the carbon substrate. A range of sizes and morphol-
ogies can be obtained, depending on the size, intensity,
and acceleration voltage of the e-beam and on the
initial size/thickness of the 3D raw fluoride materials,
with 300 kV acceleration voltage and thermionic
LaB6 emission found most favorable. The nanofabri-
cation of locally quasi-monodispersed, small sized,
and well-distributed 3D nanocrystals opens up the
possibility to generate particle arrays on demand with
desirable magnetic properties.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Nanoparticle Research
Issue number683
Early online date14 Feb 2012
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2012


  • Cobalt nanocrystals, Electron beam, In situ synthesis, TEM, Ferromagnetic nanocrystals, Fabrication method

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