Information gaps in England’s independent healthcare sector

Michael Anderson, Nils Gutacker, Sabrina Wimmer, Elias Mossialos

Research output: Contribution to journalEditorialpeer-review


At the beginning of 2024, 7.6 million people were on NHS waiting lists in England.1 Politicians from both the Conservative and Labour parties have indicated they will continue to procure elective care services from the independent healthcare sector as a strategy to reduce NHS waiting lists.23 Additionally, privately funded admissions have grown steadily over the past two years.4 The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) private healthcare investigation order in 2014 has helped improve reporting of activity to the Private Healthcare Information Network.56 However, we still do not have the information on workforce, hospital capacity, outpatient services, and prices required to understand the implications of greater independent healthcare sector activity on the healthcare workforce, demand for services, and healthcare quality.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere079261
Publication statusPublished - 19 Mar 2024

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