Integral polynomials with small discriminants and resultants

Victor Beresnevich, Vasili Bernik, Friedrich Goetze

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Let n∈N be fixed, Q>1 be a real parameter and Pn(Q) denote the set of polynomials over Z of degree n and height at most Q. In this paper we investigate the following counting problems regarding polynomials with small discriminant D(P) and pairs of polynomials with small resultant R(P 1, P 2):(i)given 0≤v≤n-1 and a sufficiently large Q, estimate the number of polynomials P∈Pn(Q) such that0<|D(P)|≤Q 2n-2-2v; (ii)given 0≤w≤n and a sufficiently large Q, estimate the number of pairs of polynomials P1,P2∈Pn(Q) such that0<|R(P1,P2)|≤Q 2n-2w. Our main results provide lower bounds within the context of the above problems. We believe that these bounds are best possible as they correspond to the solutions of naturally arising linear optimisation problems. Using a counting result for the number of rational points near planar curves due to R. C. Vaughan and S. Velani we also obtain the complementary optimal upper bound regarding the discriminants of quadratic polynomials.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)393-412
Number of pages20
JournalAdvances in Mathematics
Early online date9 May 2016
Publication statusPublished - 6 Aug 2016

Bibliographical note

© 2016, Authors


  • Algebraic numbers
  • Counting discriminants and resultants of polynomials
  • Metric theory of Diophantine approximation
  • Polynomial root separation

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