Intracrystalline Protien Degradation Dating of Elephants and Mammoth

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication69th Symposium on Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy and the 30th meeting of the Symposium on Palaeontological Preparation and Conservation
Publication statusPublished - 9 Sept 2021
Event69th Symposium on Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy and the 30th meeting of the Symposium on Palaeontological Preparation and Conservation - Virtual
Duration: 7 Sept 20219 Sept 2021
Conference number: 69


Conference69th Symposium on Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy and the 30th meeting of the Symposium on Palaeontological Preparation and Conservation
Abbreviated titleSVPCA
Internet address

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